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  • Study Published: Longevinex® First Branded Resveratrol Pill To Exhibit Cardio-Protection

    October 17, 2010: by Bill Sardi

    A published report in the Canadian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology (Volume 88, pages 1017-1025) today confirms that Longevinex® is the first branded resveratrol-based dietary supplement shown to exhibit cardio-protection, that is, it preconditions the heart so if a future heart attack occurs, the patient (in this instance, a laboratory rat) won’t succumb to this unexpected event. An abstract of the report can be viewed online (click here), and the full paper is also available for free public viewing (PDF versionHTML version)

    The experiment showed that Longevinex®, a multi-ingredient nutriceutical that provides resveratrol in a matrix with quercetin, rice bran phytate, ferulic acid and vitamin D3, exerts cardio-protective action equivalent to that produced by plain resveratrol at a dose 40% lower than prior published studies (175 mg resveratrol, 100 mg resveratrol/Longevinex matrix).

    The amount of scar tissue (fibrosis) produced by the intentionally-induced heart attack was significantly lower in Longevinex®-treated than untreated animals.

    Infarct size: chart

    Size of heart attack in rodents given no treatment (vehicle)
    compared to Longevinex®. White area = scarring (fibrosis).

    While consumers and even scientists may now assume subsequent human studies will follow, it would be impossible to reproduce the same experiment in humans as rodent hearts were removed from the chest, their hearts were then perfused (supplied with nutrients) artificially and subjected to a “heart attack” of 30 minutes duration, and then reperfused.

    Since it would be unethical to conduct a human study where patients at high risk for a heart attack were given a placebo (inactive pill) and compared with Longevinex®, the only way to proceed now is for modern medicine to begin prescribing such a pill along with other common heart medications and then conduct retrospective analysis in a similar way aspirin was shown to prevent heart attacks.

    However, little impetus has been shown by cardiologists to prescribe red wine pills such as Longevinex®. Consumers will need to make their own self-guided decision regarding the application of this animal study to human heart health.

    The Advanced Cardiology Institute in Ft. Lee, New Jersey, a non-invasive heart center, is an exception, and has recommended Longevinex® to its patients for over a year now, and may be the only cardiology group in the U.S. that actively prescribes a red wine pill.

    Greater importance is given to this study in light of the fact that 50% of people who succumb to a sudden-mortal heart attack were taking aspirin on the day of their demise. Aspirin isn’t working. There is now hope that these needless premature deaths can be averted with a red wine pill.

    Upcoming studies will soon reveal an unprecedented dosage/safety profile of Longevinex® and its profound genomic effect upon heart tissue as measured by microRNA analysis.

    Signature: Bill Sardi

    Bill Sardi, managing partner
    Resveratrol Partners LLC, dba Longevinex®

    P.S. – Consumers often ask how they will know Longevinex® is working. While many Longevinex® users report profound mental clarity, improved stamina, faster hair growth and improved circulation (Viagra-like effects), if cardio-protection observed in animals can be reproduced in humans, then it would be satisfying to know that consumers might experience no noticeable changes but acquire protection in the event of a future heart attack. It is believed that the red-wine-drinking French experience small heart attacks, but they don’t die from them, which may be why there are so many long-living Frenchmen.

2 Responses to “Study Published: Longevinex® First Branded Resveratrol Pill To Exhibit Cardio-Protection”

  1. Nate Lebowitz Says:
    October 18th, 2010 at 5:34 pm

    Right on! Exactly so, and I continue to prescribe it to hundreds of my patients.
    Someone with an upcoming new patient appointment called and asked my assistant Stacy whether I had ever seen anyone show negative side effects. I thought about it for a while and then instructed her to tell him the answer was honestly no, in almost two years so far. Obviously, I do not prescribe it to patients who have one of the few contraindications.

  2. Rolf Stålhandske Says:
    October 23rd, 2010 at 5:41 pm

    I got slight headache due to elevated diastolic and systolic blood
    pressure by 7-8 degrees shortly after having started to take resveratrol
    (250 mg) by Life Extension. I wonder if this mean you can expect the same side effect from all types of resveratrol including longevinex or can I have a try with that one and see…?

    Generally speaking, frontal headaches indicate a bit of anemia. Similar headaches occur to females during their monthly menstrual cycles as they lose iron in their monthly flow. Resveratrol chelates (attaches to, removes) copper, which is needed along with iron to make red blood cells. It is maybe best to take resveratrol pills every other day and see if the headaches ease up. Or increase copper and iron in the diet by consuming nuts and cocoa for copper and meat for iron. Vitamin C with meals increases iron absorption from food. –Bill Sardi

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