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  • Seven Evidences LONGEVINEX® Works To Promote Longevity In Living Cells (part 7 & Conclusion)

    November 24, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    You can read parts 1 and 2 here >>
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    You can read parts 5 and 6 here >>

    7. Cell cleansing with Longevinex®

    Possibly the first step in biological aging is inflammation. In fact, aging has been characterized by a chronic and progressive state of low-grade inflammation coined “inflammaging.” [Journal Gerontology A Biological Science Medical Science June 2014]

    The trigger for this inflammation is a protein called Nod-like receptor (NLRP) that is produced in conjunction with failure to clean up cellular debris (called lipofuscin (li-po-fuss-kin), a process called autophagy (auto-faj-ee). [Biomedical Research International 2014] Triggering NLRP increases inflammation while decreased NLRP can extend the lifespan. [Biomedical Research International 2014]

    The organelles devoted to cellular housekeeping are called lysosomes. Failure to degrade and digest proteins in the cell leads to the progressive deposition of lipofuscin that accumulates at a rate that is inversely related to the average lifespan across many species. [Archives Biochemistry Biophysics June 2007; International Journal Biochemistry Cell Biology Aug 2004] Formation of lipofuscin in the retina is the first sign of aging in the retina and gives rise to a disease later in life called macular degeneration. [Experimental Eye Research Oct 26, 2013]

    Inability of cells to degrade and recycle proteins and parts of damaged mitochondria (autophagy) results in oxidation, gene instability, tumors and failure of the immune response. [Biomedical Research International 2014]

    The failure of the lysosomes with advancing age is attributed to iron overload. Many of the molecules degraded by the lysosomes contain iron that gets released in a harmful (labile) form. [Biochimica Biophysica Acta Nov 2008] Iron induces oxidation and lysosomal instability and cessation of autophagy.

    The naked (hairless) mole rat whose maximum lifespan exceeds 28 years compared to 3-5 years for most other rodents is reported to have a high rate of autophagy starting from youth and throughout life. [Cell Physiology Biochemistry 2014]

    This “self eating” mechanism may facilitate cell survival but in more exaggerated form may lead to the death of the cell (called programmed cell death). For example, death of brain cells after a stroke is induced by release of iron that leads to autophagic cell death. [American Journal Medical Science May 2013]

    Some researchers believe autophagy acts as “the central regulatory mechanism of aging.” [Autophagy April 2008] It has been said: “if autophagy were a perfect process, aging… would perhaps not take place.” [Histochemistry Cell Biology April 2008]

    Autophagy is heightened during periods of starvation as a cellular survival mechanism. Life-prolonging calorie restricted diets and fasting activate autophagy. [Research Complementary Medicine 2013] This provides a link between calorie restriction and molecules that mimic calorie restriction genetically.

    Additionally, it has been shown that the use of iron chelators induces autophagy. [Leukemia Research Aug 2014]

    Low-level biological stressors, such as those provided in Longevinex®, that initially promote oxidation trigger what is called mitohormesis – mild biological stressors that activate internal defenses, in this instance, autophagy. [Dose Response Jan 2014] Free Radical Biology Medicine July 2011]

    The opportunity to utilize small natural molecules to reinvigorate the lysosomes and autophagy is described in the medical literature. [Biomedical Research International 2014]

    For example, resveratrol and quercetin, two natural molecules provided in Longevinex®, protect against the NLRP inflammation trigger and enhances cellular housekeeping (autophagy). [Metabolism- Clinical & Experimental 2014; Cell Cycle 2012] Vitamin D3 and rice bran IP6, two other components provided in Longevinex®, are reported to activate autophagy. [Discovery Medicine April 2011; Journal Alzheimer’s Disease 2011]

    Cellular debris, largely comprised of degraded mitochondria, are not simply degraded and disposed of but are recycled in a process called fission/fusion to produce new mitochondria in a process called mitogenesis.

    Longevinex® was put to the test along with plain resveratrol in the mitochondria. Both resveratrol and more so Longevinex® increased glutathione levels in the mitochondria and enhanced mitochondrial renewal via fission/fusion. [Oxidative Medicine Cell Longevity 2014] A more thorough report on Longevinex and its demonstrated ability to renew aged mitochondria can be found online at


    The idea to molecularly mimic a calorie-restricted diet is not far-fetched. [Frontiers Bioscience June 2014; Current Pharmaceutical Design 2014] The aging-is-optional era is upon us.

    One biologist has noted: “current medicine is effective in preventing death from age-related diseases without delaying their onset, thus increasing the number of people with age-related diseases and the number of diseases afflicting each elderly person.” [Aging Aug 2012]

    To stand and wait for each and every chronic age-related disease to occur, to be treated individually as if each were a separate disease when they are all induced by biological (not calendar) aging is sheer folly.

    Clinicians, whether they offer conventional or alternative therapies (naturopaths and chiropractors included), are oriented towards insurance billing and treatment of disease rather than slowing or reversing the aging process. They are slow to adopt and offer valid anti-aging remedies to their clientele.

    Furthermore, the public does not appear to be eager to adopt anti-aging strategies. Despite the evidences provided in this report a Pew Survey of reveals only 7% of American adults have heard or read about scientific breakthroughs to produce radical life extension. Only 38% of those surveyed said they would want treatments that would slow aging. [Pew Research Aug 6, 2013]

    A revolution led by longevity seekers has failed to materialize for many reasons, including (a) desire to have anti-aging therapies covered by insurance; (b) reticence over living longer and looking older and spending more years in a debilitated state; (c) concerns of over-population; (d) preference for technologies that produce a more youthful appearance over technologies that produce longevity; (e) religious beliefs that anti-aging strategies would interfere with God’s timing; (f) fear of dissolution of retirement funds; (g) failure of modern medicine to lead the way due to lack of financial incentives; (h) covert efforts (drug companies) to maintain the status quo.

    The idea of a drug for every disease location must be abandoned. For example, blood sugar abnormalities are associated with a number of diseases (Alzheimer’s, macular degeneration, heart failure (cardiomyopathy) and kidney failure). This represents one umbrella disease, not many maladies that necessarily require different specialists and treatments. Instead, modern medicine has the gall to call this combination of maladies another disease! [Review Neurology Oct 2000]

    It is not surprising to learn a drug used to treat diabetes – metformin, which induces a dietary restriction-like state, and promotes mitogenesis is considered an anti-aging drug. [Cell Cycle Nov 15, 2013; PLoS One Jan 18, 2010; Proceedings National Academy Science June 17, 2014] A drawback of this drug is that it induces deficiencies of vitamins B1 and B12. [Endocrinology Journal 2013; Archives Internal Medicine April 28, 2003]

    The example of metformin, which is an inexpensive drug that sells for as little as 5-cents per tablet [Pharmacy Checker], serves to reveal the lack of any public or professional impetus to implement anti-aging strategies in the population.

    The masses have been misled to the nth degree. The cost of premature aging is in the trillions of dollars. The extension of 7 more years of healthy independent living (the so-called longevity dividend) proposes to rescue the medical insurance pools which face shortfalls in the trillions of dollars as more Americans live into their 8th and 9th decades of life living with chronic diseases. [The Scientist March 2006]

    Under a delayed aging scenario the population of adults over age 65 would only rise by just under 7 percent more and there would be a significantly large number of people who would be healthy relative to conditions that would exist under present circumstances.

    Science has undeniably demonstrated that aging is inherently modifiable says a landmark report published by the National Academy On An Aging Society. [Gerontological Society of America] The emergence of the field of biogerontology now sheds the historical image of charlatans peddling all manner of youth elixirs says another authoritative report. [Journal Aging Studies Dec 1, 2008]

    The most remarkable observable and clinical evidence for Longevinex® provided thus far has been provided by Stuart Richer OD, PhD, at the James A Lovell Veterans Health Center in North Chicago, Illinois.

    In 2009 Dr. Richer first reported the partial eradication of lipofuscin at the back of the eyes and restoration of night vision in an 80-year old veteran with Longevinex®. [Optometry Dec 2009] More recently Dr. Richer has reported the visual rescue of patients who failed drug therapy for wet macular degeneration with the experimental use of Longevinex® in humans. [Nutrients Oct 2014] Dr. Richer has also published images showing regeneration of damaged tissues at the back of the eye that are not normally renewable which suggests stem cell activity. A subsequent petition, submitted to the FDA to expand use to otherwise helpless patients facing permanent vision loss, was disappointingly rejected. []

    Note: Dr. Richer has no financial interest in Longevinex®. Longevinex® has underwritten some of the costs of research he and his team have conducted.

    The ingredients in Longevinex® provided in modest doses have been demonstrated both in animal and human studies to exhibit unique properties apart from plain resveratrol that promise to slow and even reverse the rate of aging.

    This report explains seven lines of evidence that Longevinex® promotes longevity in living cells — mineral chelation, Sirtuin1, Sirutin3 and Klotho gene activation, activation of internal antioxidant defenses via Nrf2 gene transcription factor, unparalleled inhibition of oxygen-sensing gene HIF-1, and finally via autophagy and mitogenesis.

    This evidence stands in contrast to the many hundreds of brands of resveratrol pills on the market that offer presumed safety and effectiveness without consideration of dose response, that ignore the need to stabilize resveratrol to prevent its degradation by light, heat and oxygen, and fail to recognize mega-dose resveratrol produces a pro-oxidant effect that may be counterproductive.

    Furthermore, Longevinex® is the only resveratrol-based dietary supplement to have undergone successful toxicity testing as required for approved drugs. [Food & Chemical Toxicology Sept 2013] With use by thousands of individuals over the past decade without report of serious side effects requiring hospital admission, the requirement to conduct human safety trials is superfluous. Based upon practical every-day use by a large number of people it can be said that Longevinex® is likely safer than aspirin. However, without foreseeable interest by clinicians it is unlikely that larger human trials to confirm efficacy will be conducted. – ©2014 Bill Sardi, Resveratrol Partners LLC, dba Longevinex®.

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