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  • Resveratrol Is What Researchers Should Look For To Make Old Blood Young Again.

    March 24, 2017: by Bill Sardi

    Should WE Tell THEM?
    Or do they already know?

    Time and again science reporters leave their reading audiences wanting as they break a news story about yet another high technology anti-aging pill they say will be years in the making but fail to point to readily available off-the-shelf remedies that do the same thing.

    For example, last year researchers reprogrammed prematurely old animals into young ones again via manipulation of four genes.  The reprogrammed mice live 30% longer than mice with a form of premature aging. [Cell Dec 15, 2016]  The reversal of aging was accomplished via activation of a genetic pathway called P13K/AKT.  The antibiotic doxycycline was posed as an agent that targeted the P13K/AKT gene pathway and achieved the anti-aging effect.  What went unsaid is that doxycycline is a copper chelator (key-lay-tor) or binder.  Resveratrol works in a similar manner to control copper and activates P13K/AKT.  [ Dec 16, 2016]

    Researchers repeatedly fail to fill in the blanks when they publish groundbreaking studies, like the most recent study that shows protein produced by many different types of cells in the body can renew old blood cells and make them young again.  [Daily Mail UK March 23, 2017]

    The protein is called osteopontin and its major function is to control mineralization in the body and plays secondary roles in controlling inflammation. [Molecular Metabolism March 2014]

    Osteopontin, secreted by many cells in the body, is now posed as an anti-aging agent by virtue of its ability to make “old blood young again.”  Older lab animals tend to lack osteopontin and animals genetically altered so they don’t secrete osteopontin tend to age faster.  [The EMBO Journal March 2, 2017]

    Researchers now talk of “working towards creating a drug containing levels of a protein that they believe could encourage blood to behave more youthfully.”

    So let’s all hold our breaths and wait another decade, if we live that long, for this wonder drug of all wonder drugs.

    Examination of the medical literature reveals the red wine molecule resveratrol (rez-vair-ah-trol) activates genes to produce osteopontin. [International Journal Oral Maxillofacial Surgery July 2014]

    In a dose-dependent manner resveratrol promotes the expression osteopontin in human bone marrow stem cells, where new blood cells are formed continually. [Cancer Research Nov 1, 2005]

    So the choice is yours: (a) sit around, hold your breath and wait a decade or so for approval of the billion dollar blockbuster drug that will activate the production of osteopontin in your bone marrow stem cells so your body perpetually makes youthful blood cells; or (b) run to the health shop and pick up a bottle of resveratrol, preferably in a modest dose (100-300 mg) that is stabilized (microencapsulated) to retard degradation by light, heat or oxygen, maximally absorbed (micronized) and soluble (beta cyclodextrin).  – © 2017 Bill Sardi,

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