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  • Longevinex® Capsules Simulate Biological Adaptation To High Altitude Environments

    March 8, 2011: by Bill Sardi

    May The Force Be With You

    First-Person Accounts Of Longevinex® Users Parallel Survival Mechanisms First Described By Biologist Felix Z. Meerson MD

    The human organism must be endowed with
    efficient specialized mechanisms that limit
    the reaction to stress and prevent stress damage
    — Felix Z. Meerson MD, 1991

    Longevinex® users have begun to provide evidence for an exceptional biological phenomenon first described by Felix Z. Meerson MD. Their accounts of super-human health are provided within the following text of this report.

    A great difficulty here is in crafting words that sound believable in describing this extraordinary biological phenomenon over plain advertising hype.

    The late Felix Z. Meerson MD (1926-2010), a Moscow-based biologist who later emigrated to the U.S., and wrote 578 published papers and many books, all listed at the National Library of Medicine, takes us out of the realm pseudoscience and advertising hype into the science of understanding a powerful natural adaptive phenomenon that humans experience when they are first deprived of oxygen or food.

    Dr. Meerson did not conduct his scientific investigations solely among laboratory animals. Meerson showed his oxygen deprivation therapy worked in humans.

    For example,high-altitude treatment reduced elevated blood pressure to the point where less medicine was needed. Total cholesterol was also reduced.

    Meerson: book

    Meerson was investigating how humans adapt to high altitude environments where oxygen pressure at 10,000 feet is about a third of ground level oxygen pressure.

    What Meerson discovered is that if the reduced oxygen pressure is intermittent rather than constant, the human body switches on defensive mechanisms that can produce super-normal resistance to biological and emotional stress.

    A book reviewer captured in a few words the essence of what Dr. Meerson discovered in the 1970s and 1980s. The book reviewer described it this way: “The mechanism is described by Meerson in which a non-adapted organism, lacking resistance to a given factor, is transformed into an adapted and resistant organism.”

    5/13/2009- the son of 88-year old Madeline M. began to open a Longevinex® capsule and add the powder to his mother’s liquid multivitamin every morning. Due to bone loss and chronic pain, Madeline had been bedridden for the past 5-years, only able to walk five steps to the bathroom. Within 3-4 weeks of taking Longevinex® she began to do house chores using her walker, which was only needed for assurance. Her son said “Her vitality has been regained.” Her vision had improved to the point where she was able to revert to using an eyeglass prescription that was 7-years old and she began reading a book every day supplied by the library service. There was no placebo effect because Madeline was never even told Longevinex® had been added to her multivitamin.

    Meerson demonstrated this adaptive response by subjecting humans to short periods of oxygen deprivation (aka hypoxia) by placing people in what he called “high mountain chambers” to trigger defensive mechanisms within the body. These are hypobaric chambers (low oxygen), not the hyperbaric (high oxygen pressure) chambers we have commonly heard about for treatment of various circulatory problems.

    This is when Meerson also discovered adaptation to high-altitude environments produces super-human immunity, circulation, heart-pumping power, speed at performing mental tasks and ability to handle stress. This aspect of Meerson’s work has been largely overlooked.

    An untapped phenomenon in plain view

    This adaptive mechanism has not been totally hidden from view. Dr. Meerson’s discoveries are widely documented in his many books that can be acquired from online used book stores. But his mechanism was cumbersome – a large air chamber in which people would have to have ready access to, to achieve a biologically adapted state.

    His discoveries have even been put into limited practice. Because of Meerson’s scientific experiments, some coaches now instruct endurance athletes to live low, train high,” that is, to intermittently train at high altitude but return to daily living at low altitude, to switch on this adaptive mechanism.

    According to an article in the Los Angeles Times, athletic trainer Victor Conte, who became infamous for supplying baseball players like Barry Bonds with banned performance-enhancing drugs, has now begun to offer his stable of athletes a high-tech breathing machine to administer intermittent hypoxic training (IHT) that simulates high altitude and triggers the body’s production of red blood cells. Few people recognize this approach to physical conditioning emanated from Felix Meerson.

    Dr. Meerson’s protective adaptation may help explain why airline pilots, subjected to intermittent exposure to high-altitude/low-oxygen environments, appear so young and mentally vibrant. Airline cockpit crews have lower mortality rates compared to the population as a whole.

    For the lack of convenience and the high cost, the widespread commercialization of Meerson’s biological stress therapy has been shelved. The masses have been kept in the dark about it. Unless some billionaire chooses to place high-altitude chambers in shopping malls throughout the world, what Dr. Meerson discovered remained in the closet of ignored and unapplied biological phenomenon.

    However, that the biological phenomenon Dr. Meerson described can be captured and delivered in an economical pill is at the heart of this report. There is hope that humanity can reliably tap into this same protective force that Dr. Meerson revealed by taking a pill instead of sitting in a sealed chamber.

    The heart of Meerson’s discoveries

    What Meerson said was, there is a mechanism so powerful within the human body that can be tapped to produce super humans who think faster and smarter, who are seemingly impervious to temporary heart stoppages and blockage of circulation to the brain, who handle stress far better than others, who exhibit endurance beyond anything imaginable, who have super-immunity and who defy the ravages of aging.

    Think of an internal force so powerful it could double your brain power and concentration, empower your immune system to attack invading germs in an unprecedented manner, yet allay allergic effects produced by an over-active immune system, improve circulation in a middle-ager to that of a youngster, reduce dependency upon reading glasses in middle-age, promote bone growth in the waning years of life instead of the typical loss of bone and stature, reverse existing maladies, even pain, in some cases to the point of their non-existence, elevate mood and produce a sense of well being by release of endorphins beyond what has been demonstrated by any pharmaceutical drug.

    Half-way through reading the above paragraph, in the back of your mind you were likely thinking, “this is too good to be true.” Yet Dr. Meerson conducted many studies to prove it all, which were replicated by others, as you will read below.

    Meerson: High Mountain chambers

    Photo from Felix Z. Meerson’s book, Adaptive Protection of The Heart (1991), showing one of his “high mountain chambers.”

    The first discovery: turning heart attacks into non-mortal events

    Meerson refers to the first animal experiments in the 1970s which were the first to demonstrate the profound effect of repeated low-grade stress on the heart. For ethical reasons humans cannot be used to test for mortal effects. Rodents were adapted by subjecting them to intermittent periods of low oxygen for six weeks, then blood circulation in the coronary arteries were blocked, whereupon the pre-adapted (oxygen deprived) animals experienced 27% less damage and the ability of their hearts to contract and pump oxygenated blood was reduced three-times less than non-adapted animals. At least in animals, otherwise mortal heart attacks were turned into non-mortal events if the animals were pre-conditioned. Death rates were 2-to-3 times lower among pre-adapted animals.

    In this report readers must distinguish between acute oxygen deprivation in animals used to produce a heart attack and a intermittent low-oxygen environment used prior to acute oxygen deprivation (a heart attack).

    Other researchers confirm Meerson’s studies that brief periods of oxygen deprivation to surgically removed animal hearts preconditions the heart against subsequent major blockages of circulation in coronary arteries.

    For example, in un-preconditioned rodent hearts (hearts where circulation was stopped for 5 minutes), 100% of the time this results in the heart beating ultra-fast (ventricular tachycardia) and 83% of the time in fluttering heart beats (ventricular fibrillation). The ventricle is the major pumping chamber in the heart. When these same animal hearts are converted back to a normal rhythm for 10-120 minutes and then re-subjected to a second “heart attack,” (in other words, preconditioned) there were zero percent (0%) ventricular fibrillation and only 8-17% ventricular tachycardia. This beneficial effect is prolonged for some time following preconditioning.

    Pre-conditioning also was shown, in agreement with Meerson’s investigations, to significantly reduce the area of damage to heart muscle following a heart attack.

    Early studies involving adaptive mechanisms in the heart demonstrated that 30 minutes of oxygen deprivation produced a heart attack with 39% of damaged heart tissue whereas only 8% of heart tissue was damaged in a preconditioned heart.

    Below is a chart displaying the difference between animals that experienced an acute heart attack, some which experienced a relatively brief period of oxygen deprivation prior their attack and others that did not.

    Difference Between Animals Experiencing A Brief Period Of Oxygen Deprivation Prior To A Heart Attack And Animals Who Did Not
    No episode of oxygen deprivation prior to heart attack Brief period of oxygen deprivation prior to heart attack
    Size of heart attack 71.55 41.65
    Peak release of cardiac enzymes 2085 1329
    Poorer heart function 29.3% 8.7%
    Left ventricular aneurysm (bulging heart chamber) 22.0% 4.3%
    Mortality rate 14.6% 2.9%

    The crossover from air chambers to pills

    Subsequently it was discovered that cardiac preconditioning releases a molecule called adenosine that facilitates the protection of heart muscle in an oxygen-deprived environment. A five-minute infusion of adenosine is equivalent to 5-minutes of pre-conditioning. Thereafter, it was shown that two small natural molecules, both found in red wine, cause adenosine to be released in the heart, improving circulation and protecting the heart from subsequent interruptions in the delivery of oxygen. Thus, small molecules found in red wine molecularly mimic biological stress to induce a protective mechanism in the heart.

    This discovery opened the door to a practical way to pre-condition humans against damage caused by heart attacks and strokes. Meerson’s cumbersome high altitude chambers would not be needed. A link between the biological effects of intermittent high altitude acclimation and the use of small molecules had been made. A pill that simulates biological stress was in the offing.

    Oxygen deprivation also induces the production of another protective molecule, nitric oxide, a transient gas in the blood circulation that causes blood vessels to widen (dilate). It has also been shown that red wine molecules cause nitric oxide to be released.

    Yet another protective molecule, heme oxygenase, an antioxidant enzyme that is normally released after a heart attack, is activated by oxygen deprivation in the heart. And again, a key red wine molecule stimulates production of heme oxygenase.

    So, here we have evidence that red wine molecules activate adenosine, nitric oxide and heme oxygenase, three molecules that are produced in response to emotional or biological stress. The physiological adaptation to stress produced by Meerson’s high altitude chamber can be replicated with a pill.

    This same effect has now been duplicated, to a lesser extent by one red wine molecule and more so by a combination of these molecules provided in modest dose in Longevinex®, a unique nutriceutical that works by provision of synergistic small molecules. In fact, Longevinex® improved blood flow in the first blood vessel outside the heart (aorta) following a heart attack double that of when a single red wine molecule was employed. The scarring of heart tissue was significantly reduced in animal hearts treated with Longevinex® over a single red wine molecule. A prior study showed that Longevinex exerts 9-fold greater global genomic effect in the heart than a single red wine molecule. Furthermore, while acute oxygen deprivation is obviously toxic, and resveratrol converts from being a protective antioxidant at low dose by binding to copper, at high dose resveratrol becomes a destructive pro-oxidant by releasing copper. Longevinex did not exhibit any toxicity to healthy cells at any tested dose up to 7000 milligrams human equivalent dose in rodents.

    So Longevinex® exhibits a unique epigenetic and biological profile apart from plain resveratrol. Longevinex improved blood flow in the first blood vessel outside the heart (aorta) following a heart attack double that of when a single red wine molecule was employed.

    Superiority Of Longevinex® Over Single Red Wine Molecule

    Induced Heart Attack In Excised Heart Of Rodents

    Reference: PLoS One December 2010

    Measure Longevinex® Single Red Wine Molecule
    After heart attack, no treatment After heart attack, with Longevinex® After heart attack, no treatment After heart attack, with single red wine molecule
    Size (area) of heart attack (scar tissue) 35% 20%
    (43% reduction)
    35% 24%
    (32% reduction)
    Pumping pressure of the heart
    (mm Hg)
    70 140
    (100% improvement)
    75 90
    (20% improvement)
    Blood flow in the aorta (first blood vessel outside the pumping side of the heart) in milliliters per minute 15 26
    (73% improvement)
    14 21
    (50% improvement)
    Percent die-off of heart muscle cells (apoptosis) 17% 9%
    (48% reduction)
    17% 12%
    (20% reduction)
    Copyright 2010 Resveratrol Partners LLC, dba LONGEVINEX®

    To proceed with Meerson’s experiments, he demonstrated in the animal laboratory that pre-adapted animals exhibit greater control over release of stress hormones from their adrenal glands and experience less pain (even no pain) during a heart attack.

    Meerson’s studies coincide with reports received from Longevinex® users.

    Case #1: 12/27/2010- Norbert C, a 43-year old non-smoking Longevinex® user, calls to say Longevinex® may have saved his life. In the past weekend he says, beginning on Friday night with symptoms of nausea and vomiting, he reported to the emergency room with these same complaints on Saturday AM. The emergency room doctor discovered via electrocardiogram that he was experiencing an acute heart attack, but he had no chest pain, no diaphoresis (sweating), no change in skin color and no shortness of breath.

    His heart pumping action (ejection fraction) was 60% (near normal) and his oxygen saturation of hemoglobin was strikingly 100%.

    He was admitted to intensive care and a stent was placed in his blocked inferior right coronary artery. He continued to have no other symptoms or chest pain. He was discharged from the hospital on Monday and felt wonderful. He believes his regular intake of Longevinex® may have spared his life (turning a mortal heart attack into a non-mortal event).

    Case #2: 2/2/2011 – a practicing cardiologist reports on an 89-year old patient who had just suffered an acute heart attack. One of his coronary arteries (the Ramus Intermedius) was totally blocked. The patient had been taking Longevinex® for the past 18 months. During emergency cardiac catherization (passage of a scope into the coronary artery) doctors decided there was so little damage to that artery that to attempt to open this closed artery would put the patient at greater risk than leaving it alone. The patient stayed in the hospital 3 days. Upon imaging of the heart, there was no appreciable decline in his heart strength.

    Case #3: 8/20/2008 – a man writes from India: I wanted to thank you and your research team for this wonder drug. I read about the anti-aging research and immediately started trying Longevinex on my dad who is 69 years old, who has had 4 heart attacks, a stroke, a bypass surgery and a vascular surgery to replace his clogged carotid (neck) artery. So essentially he was counting his last days having lived through a post operative phase that included 30 pills a day, weak memory, constant influenza and other respiratory ailments that kept plaguing him for the last 9 years (he was operated in 1999), to a point where he and many of us in the family had given up on him having a nice retired life

    And then a miracle happened. Along came a drug called Longevinex and changed the way his life was shaping. He has been taking Longevinex for the last 12 months and the improvements in him are astounding, a stunning transformation.

    Today, after a year of taking Longevinex, he is one of the most healthy 70 year- olds, his memory is back to being razor sharp, he is healthy, can walk 5 miles a day (prior to L, he would barely walk a mile), has not had a single flu/respiratory ailment for the last 12 months and his doctors cannot believe this. His doctors are some of the leading heart surgeons in Bangalore, India (that’s where he lives) and are astounded by his transformation. His recent blood and other tests have shown such a remarkable improvement that the doctors thought there was something wrong with the machines, or his sample was switched etc. and got it done again.

    Longevinex has given my dad a second lease of life. I really don’t care too much about what the critics of Longevinex have to say, it has worked for my dad, he is a living example of a transformation that happened in front of my eyes and I cannot thank you and your team enough!!! -Madan N. PS: My father was a strict vegetarian throughout his life.”

    Painless living

    What could possibly account for these positive reports? Meerson says pre-adapted animals exhibit a remarkable ability to maintain normal endorphin concentration in brain and adrenal tissues despite stress. Endorphins keep the excitation of adrenal hormones in check in the brain and also act to allay pain directly (analgesia). The increased power of the pain control (opoid) system during lack of oxygen is an important factor in prevention of heartbeat irregularity, wrote Dr. Meerson.

    Effect Of Pre-Adaptational Emotional or Biological Stress On Brain and Adrenal Endorphin Contents in Stress
    Beta-endorphin (femtomole per milligram of tissue)
    Brain Cortex Brain Striatum Brain Cerebellum Adrenal Glands
    No prior stress 2.4 5.7 2.1 1.2
    Emotional Pain Stress 0.6 1.3 1.4 0.8
    Pre-subjected to Mild Stress* 2.8 7.0 2.9 5.1
    Pre-subjected to Mild Stress* + Emotional Pain Stress 2.1 5.5 3.0 0.6
    * 8 weeks in a low-oxygen altitude chamber

    Endorphins are called “endogenous morphine,” or internally produced pain blockers. Endorphins are produced in the pituitary gland and hypothalamus of the brain during exercise, love making (orgasm), excitement, consumption of spicy foods and during generation of pain. Endorphins produce a sense of well being. Pre-adapted animals have a large reserve of endorphins in their adrenal glands that help them deal with stress (for example, a heart attack) compared to non-adapted animals.

    One of the crossed wires that clouds our understanding anorexia that now can be unraveled. Anorexic individuals, under biological stress from food deprivation, another form of biological stress, experience an endorphin high they crave. One study showed 85% higher levels of endorphins among anorexics than normal subjects.

    Furthermore, Meerson documents that animals pre-adapted by oxygen deprivation secrete far more serotonin, a brain chemical that de-intensifies abnormal heart pumping rhythm (arrhythmias). In pre-adapted animals subjected to a chemically-induced heart attack, their heart chambers keep pumping for many minutes beyond that of un-adapted animals.

    Yet another advantage of pre-adaptation is that it helps to preserve an enzyme (cholesterol hydroxylase) that helps to break down and eliminate cholesterol from the circulatory system. This may be an important protective effect for individuals continually exposed to emotional stress.

    However, constant living at high altitude does not equate with intermittent oxygen deprivation in a high altitude chamber. The following chart makes this clear. The intermittency of the biological stress is the key.

    Difference Between Exposure To Continuous Or Intermittent Oxygen Deprivation In Animal Hearts During Re-establishment Of Circulation To Blocked Arteries In The Heart (Reperfusion)
    Source: Experimental Pathology Physiology & Therapy Volume 3, pages 48-50, 1989
    Fast heart beat + spasm of large heart chamber (ventricular tachycardia + fibrillation) Deaths during re-establishment of circulation to the heart following heart attack (reperfusion)
    Continuous oxygen deprivation –

    7 days

    16 days

    30 days

    259 2
    228 4
    286 5
    Intermittent oxygen deprivation –

    30 days

    69 0

    Mental sharpness via adaptation

    -Moses climbed a mountain and fasted, and thus activated
    two primary biological stressors that are known to produce
    intense mental acuity. The result: The Ten Commandments

    In his book Adaptive Protection Of The Heart, Meerson describes a study where 22 generally healthy males, age 35-49 years, most being overweight, with chronic headaches and impaired sleep, with tendencies toward hypochondria, were selected to undergo intermittent hypobaric treatment prescribed by Dr. Meerson.

    They lost weight due to a decline in appetite, their work performance increased and oxygen consumption at rest decreased. Their hearts pumped more efficiently. Complaints of headaches disappeared in all subjects. Five of eleven smokers dropped their habit (likely due to increased endorphin release). There was an increase in internal antioxidant activity as evidenced by raised ceruloplasmin, a copper-binding molecule, and super-oxide dismutase, an iron-binding molecule.

    Mental function also improved after pre-adaptive intermittent oxygen deprivation. For example, the number of mistakes in a proofreading test decreased from 22 to 11 per subject. Mathematical skills also improved (able to make correct counts in 5 minutes rose from 48 to 62). Ability to find 25 consecutive numbers within a list of numbers improved from 235 seconds down to 194 seconds. In addition, the number of abnormal heartbeats in this group declined by about 3-fold. These subjects had obvious reason to be a bit phobic, they were experiencing heart flutters from time to time.

    Meerson’s studies to show significant improvement in mental focus and speed in dealing with mental tasks is paralleled by personal accounts of Longevinex® users.

    Compare Meerson’s findings of acute improvement in mental capacity with testimonies typically received from Longevinex® users.

    For example, Bob S., age 78 years, a retired professor from Somers, New York, a retired college professor, reports his memory improved and he has faster recall dating back to when he first began to take Longevinex®. He says he developed a software program that teaches people to learn to speak English on the computer in the past year which he was able to sell to a major corporation. This project had been in a drawer in his desk for a long time. He could never quite get it finished, until he started taking Longevinex®. He also says he now manages his personal checkbook better. He says Longevinex® allowed him to wean away from being overmedicated which dramatically improved his mental skills.

    Acclimation to low oxygen environments in a hypobaric chamber is known to improve the ability to adapt to cold temperatures. Another Longevinex user reports:

    12/23/2008 Crep writes: I have seen fairly profound effects from your product, which is why I continue to do so. My eyesight has improved by 50%, I have seemingly grown an immense tolerance to cold weather, and my mental clarity and sharpness has improved greatly while providing me with an elegant amount of energy throughout the day and night. So much so, I have actually begun to crave my next Longevinex pill, and this is rare for someone who is not into supplementation whatsoever. I don’t even take a multi vitamin.”

    Other health problems

    In other investigations, patients with breathing problems, allergies and thyroid troubles were subjected to a low oxygen environment intermittently. In all cases, measurable improvements were noted. There was marked reduction in histamine levels which trigger allergic reactions.

    Meerson also emphasized that intermittent oxygen deprivation is particularly helpful for people suffering from stress-induced health issues. Meerson’s pre-conditioning therapy demonstrated the link between emotional and physical stress and a wide array of health problems emanating in the skin and immune system.

    Oxygen and food deprivation

    What Dr. Meerson described was just one form of biological stress that switches on this increased protective force in the human body. In addition to oxygen deprivation we now know that food deprivation (calorie restriction or fasting) and its molecular mimic, red wine or wine pills, induce the same protective biological response.

    3 biological stressors

    Let’s continue to examine the unsolicited reports of Longevinex® users in facing physical and emotional stress. We know that the ingredients in Longevinex have analgesic qualities.

    Janine B writes that she began her own experiment. As a 53-year old with joint problems and two artificial hips, she was able to compare her first hip operation in 2006 with her operation in 2008 when she began taking Longevinex®. She only required 1 week of physical therapy and was able to lift her leg onto the couch with minimum effort compared to the stiffness and agony experienced with her first hip operation. Janine asks: I am wondering if the Longevinex could be responsible for this improved ability to recover from my second hip operation?” This sounds very much like Dr. Meerson’s phenomenon – the release of endorphins to limit pain and discomfort.

    Follow the experience of another woman who faced two hip operations, described by her son, Tom:

    My mother first started taking Longevinex in 2004. She was 82 years old at the time. I noticed increased endurance, muscular strength. Initially she couldn’t walk the road that we walked every day to get exercise around the ranch and I had to drive the car out to pick her up and bring her home. With Longevinex, after 30 days, she was able to walk many laps around the ranch, maybe a mile a lap. My mother even walked up a very steep hill with the rest of the family. She soon would not go a day without Longevinex.

    In 2009 she fell down some steps outside the trailer where she lived and she fractured a hip that was pinned by surgeons. The fall was due to a slippery rug in front of her trailer. Her recovery was so rapid her orthopedic surgeon said he had not seen anyone of her age heal so fast. Within 30 days of the operation she asked her doctor if she could go bowling. Her pain level throughout was minimal. She never needed to take pain killers.

    Then in 2010 she sustained another fall and broke her other hip. Her recovery this time was also remarkable, though the damage to her hip was more severe and so was the surgery.

    Today at age 88 she still walks, goes swimming, drives an automobile, cooks and dresses herself and is completely independent. Her hearing is perfect. She reads voraciously. She is making jewelry, which requires fine vision. She is staying in Hawaii now and walks a half-mile to her daughter’s house there on a daily basis. Tom L., Camarillo, California

    A woman at this advanced age should typically have been bedridden after hip surgery and eventually succumb to pneumonia due to inactivity.

    Dr. Meerson writes: “Adaptation to an insufficiency of oxygen strengthens the organism’s resistance to physical effort, factors producing high blood pressure, stress damage to the heart, interruption of the blood supply to an organ or tissue (ischemia)), and even to ionizing (gamma) radiation. This opens up vast possibilities for the utilization of adaptation. Nowadays, when extensive use and in some cases abuse of medicines creates a real possibility of dependence on them, it would be useful to have doctors prescribe, not only medicines, but adaptation to a complex of individually selected factors…. These indisputable facts inevitably lead to the conclusion that the human organism must be endowed with efficient specialized mechanisms that limit the reaction to stress and prevent stress damage. –Felix Z. Meerson, UNESCO Courier June 1987.

    Protecting the brain

    We now know that short periods of oxygen deprivation not only protect the heart but also the brain.

    For example, researchers experimentally injected a substance into laboratory rats to induce beta amyloid plaque in the brain which is believed to be responsible for the onset of memory loss and dementia in the elderly. Then a daily 4-hour period of oxygen deprivation was administered in a barometric-chamber and animals were evaluated on day 15. Adaptive therapy via oxygen deprivation erased the beta amyloid memory degradation.

    When a litter of laboratory rats was subjected to oxygen deprivation prior to an intentional blockage of blood circulation to their brain via closure of their neck (carotid) artery, they didn’t experience any evidence of brain damage compared un-adapted animals that experienced a 35% reduction in weight of their cerebral hemisphere, which was evidence of dead tissue in the brain.

    The results of this animal experiment are similar to those experienced by users of Longevinex®.

    Jim S. writes: “I’d like to report some unexpected benefits I attribute to Longevinex, namely more energy, weight control, improved mental focus, better sleep and strong immunity. At the age of 62 years I had low energy and was aware of a loss of mental faculties. Pain also became an issue – my body ached all over to the point where I stopped exercising. I began to take Longevinex and feel I have more energy and short-term memory than before.

    Stuart C. is an information technology specialist. In 2004 he began taking Longevinex®. He began to experience unusual brain power. He cleared his desk of long overdue projects for the first time. He even put Longevinex® to the test and challenged a grand master chess player whom he had always lost to. For the first time, he checkmated this skilled opponent in just six moves. Stuart went further and applied for a job at a major high-technology company, and after 13 grueling interviews, he has a new job at a huge increase in pay. He begs others to experience the exceptional mental acuity produced by Longevinex®.

    The following chart attempts to display similarities between known biological stressors. It is obvious that they overlap and that molecules can mimic the biological effects of exercise and oxygen and food deprivation.

    Similarities Of Biological Stressors
    ↑ increase ↓ decrease With links to published studies
    Mechanisms B i o l o g i c a l S t r e s s F a c t o r s



    Nitric oxide


    Heme oxygenase

    Exercise Oxygen Deprivation
    (high altitude)
    Food Deprivation
    (calorie restriction; fasting)
    Wine Molecular Simulation of Biological Stress
    Increased Increased Increased Increased Increased
    Increased Undetermined Undetermined Increased Increased
    Increased Increased Decreased Increased Increased
    Endorphin release ↑ Increased

    Regular exercise

    ↓ Decreased Endurance training

    ↑ Increased

    Mirthful laughter

    Increased ↑ Increased first 5 days

    ↓ Decreased long-term fasting

    Unknown Testimonials from users of Longevinex® suggest endorphin release
    (improved mental performance)
    Increased Increased Increased Increased Increased
    Nitric oxide is a transient gas that widens (dilates) the arteries and improves circulation. Adenosine is a naturally occurring breakdown molecule from adenotriphosphate, the energy molecule in cells. Adenosine protects the heart and brain. Heme oxygenase is an antioxidant enzyme produced following a heart attack or stroke, but can be triggered via biological stress (deprivation of oxygen or food) so that organs in the body are protected prior to serious events like heart stoppages and blockage of circulation in the brain. Endorphins are considered to be “internal morphine” for their ability to dampen pain. © 2011 Bill Sardi, Resveratrol Partners LLC

    Significance of Meerson’s life-long work

    Meerson didn’t mince his words on the importance of his discovery. Meerson knew what he discovered could change the course of human biology and the practice of medicine. Yet he knew that overstatement would ruin his discoveries. Meerson pleaded that modern medicine “do as nature does,” and rely upon adaptation as the “cornerstone of natural prevention of disease.” Meerson said: “In the future it may be possible to check the inflationary dependence of mankind upon assorted drugs and to learn to cure some now resistant maladies.”

    High altitude simulation pills

    Theoretically speaking, pills that simulate oxygen or food deprivation are on the drawing board. The applications of the molecular version of Meerson’s “adaptation therapy” are seemingly endless. For example, a pill that mimics high-altitude stress could be employed in the battlefield to allay brain concussions. They could be employed by un-acclimatized military troops, prior to deployment at high altitude environments in lieu of oxygen-deprivation chambers.

    Users of Longevinex® capsules are an exception breed of human. They are among the first to molecularly activate an inborn adaptive mechanism Dr. Meerson first described over three decades ago. The revelation that the human library of 25,000 genes (the genome) is largely controlled by environmental factors (diet, temperature, solar radiation, etc.) rather than locked-in gene mutations inherited from our forefathers suggests a new species of biologically advanced humans can be created within living populations rather than waiting for beneficial gene mutations to occur every so many generations. They will be known as a new epigenetically-activated species of advanced humans that shall be known as Homo sapiens Longevinexus. ( )#### ©2011 Bill Sardi, Resveratrol Partners LLC, dba LONGEVINEX

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