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  • They Did It Again: Overdosed Animals With Resveratrol And Then Said It Didn’t Work

    March 29, 2012: by Bill Sardi

    Yep, despite all of the evidence that resveratrol produces far greater and safer biological action at relatively low doses, biologists administered the human equivalent of 8000 milligrams of resveratrol to laboratory mice and found this “miracle molecule” to be ineffective at prolonging the life of these animals.

    Why is this so? Are these researchers intentionally attempting to throw resveratrol under the bus? This question gets asked because all of these researchers are certainly aware of the hormesis effect, that a low-dose biological stressor activates key defenses in the body whereas a high-dose toxin is potentially lethal. Some of these researchers have even written about hormesis and resveratrol.

    In the first controlled longevity study of resveratrol in laboratory animals published in 2006, high-dose resveratrol prolonged the life of high-fat fed animals. But that study was followed two years later with a trial among animals fed a normal calorie diet, which did not prolong lifespan but did improve health parameters. But again, this study employed the human equivalent of 365 and 1565 milligrams of resveratrol. This is despite evidence that low-dose resveratrol mimics the life-extending gene activity of a calorie-restricted diet.

    Readers who wish to read the entire recent report can link to it here.

    Copyright 2012 Bill Sardi

    J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2012 Mar 26. [Epub ahead of print]

    Evaluation of Resveratrol, Green Tea Extract, Curcumin, Oxaloacetic Acid, and Medium-Chain Triglyceride Oil on Life Span of Genetically Heterogeneous Mice.

    Strong R, Miller RA, Astle CM, Baur JA, de Cabo R, Fernandez E, Guo W, Javors M, Kirkland JL, Nelson JF, Sinclair DA, Teter B, Williams D, Zaveri N, Nadon NL, Harrison DE.


    Department of Pharmacology and Barshop Institute for Longevity and Aging Studies, 15355 Lambda Drive, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, TX 78245.


    The National Institute on Aging Interventions Testing Program (ITP) was established to evaluate agents that are hypothesized to increase life span and/or health span in genetically heterogeneous mice. Each compound is tested in parallel at three test sites. It is the goal of the ITP to publish all results, negative or positive. We report here on the results of lifelong treatment of mice, beginning at 4 months of age, with each of five agents, that is, green tea extract (GTE), curcumin, oxaloacetic acid, medium-chain triglyceride oil, and resveratrol, on the life span of genetically heterogeneous mice. Each agent was administered beginning at 4 months of age. None of these five agents had a statistically significant effect on life span of male or female mice, by log-rank test, at the concentrations tested, although a secondary analysis suggested that GTE might diminish the risk of midlife deaths in females only.

    PMID: 22451473

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