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  • Seven Evidences LONGEVINEX® Works To Promote Longevity In Living Cells (parts 1 & 2)

    November 4, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    The following report is a word description of seven evidences Longevinex® works to promote exceptional longevity via cellular mechanisms. This word description accompanies the above graphic.

    The graphic depicts a living cell in the human body with some of its internal parts – nucleus where DNA resides; mitochondria where the cell utilizes oxygen to produce cell energy; and lysosomes which produce enzymes to clean up cellular debris. This last cellular activity is called autophagy or “cell eating.”

    With advancing age the hundreds of mitochondria in the cell, the compartments that generate cellular energy, progressively fail until only about 4% are functional by age 80. The lysosomes increasingly fail to cleanse the cell of debris. Deposits called lipofuscin accumulate which leads to generation of oxidation and gene mutations. The cell becomes biologically old.

    Cells rust and calcify with advancing age, causing them to become weak and tired and polluted with cellular debris. The use of a measured amount of small natural molecules to counter and even reverse this aging process is a relatively new approach to help achieve longevity.

    Exceptional human longevity has already been achieved in the animal lab via the diet – namely a limited calorie diet. Reduction of calories (40-50%) to about one meal a day doubles the healthspan and lifespan of laboratory mice. [Journal Nutrition July 2010] Translated into human terms, humans could possibly live 120-180 years without major loss of function. Scientific investigators state the goal of maximal healthspan and lifespan is within reach of modern biology. [Rejuvenation Research Oct 2014]

    Given it is not anticipated that humans will adhere to a food deprivation diet, the pursuit of a molecular mimic to activate the same genes as a limited calorie diet in the form of a nutraceutical is exemplified by Longevinex®.

    The unique combination and dosage of natural small molecules in LONGEVINEX® address progressive cellular aging, not only slowing but even reversing the effects of biological time.

    The biological action of Longevinex® is greater than the sum of its parts. These ingredients (resveratrol, quercetin, rice bran IP6 and vitamin D3 are reported to work not only additively (1+1+1+1 = 4) but also synergistically (1+1+1+1 = 9). This has not only been demonstrated in general with polyphenols [Planta Medica May 2012] but has actually been demonstrated by geneticists who discovered that the unique combination of natural molecules in LONGEVINEX® activated 9 times more longevity genes than plain resveratrol or a calorie restricted diet in an animal experiment. [Experimental Gerontology Sept 2008]

    In other words, the superior biological effects produced by Longevinex® aren’t based solely upon borrowed science but rather have been demonstrated specifically with Longevinex® in lab dish, animal and human studies. [References at]

    As the graphic also indicates, the resveratrol (rez-vair-a-trol) in Longevinex® is micronized (miniaturized) and micro-encapsulated (enfolded in plant starches and dextrins) to enhance absorption and stabilize it from degradation by light, heat or oxygen.

    Here are 7 ways Longevinex® promotes longevity that are expounded upon here.

    1. Mineral chelation

    Three of the ingredients in Longevinex® are mineral chelators (key-lay-tors): resveratrol (copper), quercetin (iron) and IP6 rice bran extract (iron, copper, calcium, heavy meals), that is, they attach to and control minerals by virtue of their valence (positive or negative attraction).

    Longevinex® has been formulated around the over-mineralization theory of aging that postulates the rate of human aging is largely controlled by the accumulation of excess minerals (primarily iron, copper and calcium, and to a lesser extent other heavy metals like cadmium, lead and mercury).

    For background, during its growth years the human body has a high demand for minerals to build bone (calcium), connective tissue (copper) and red blood cells (iron for hemoglobin). Once full growth is achieved (~age 18) minerals begin to gradually accumulate and tissues begin to calcify (stiffen) and rust.

    The body produces many molecules to control iron and copper (albumin, melanin, hemoglobin, ferritin, lactoferrin and ceruloplasmin). When those mechanisms are overwhelmed, iron and copper get loose (unbound) and generate free radicals that induce breaks in DNA and tissue damage.

    The production of cell energy in the mitochondria and the cleansing enzymes in lysosomes begin to decline as metal-induced free radicals along with excessive calcium take their toll. With the decline in cleansing enzymes in the lysosomes cells begin to exhibit deposition of cellular debris called lipofuscin.

    Iron, the most abundant metallic mineral in the human body, has been called “the malignant spirit of successful aging.” Iron deprivation has been proposed as an anti-aging strategy. Researchers with the Laboratorie de Physiologie Respiratoire in Paris say “moderate iron deprivation might add to other antioxidant, anti-aging therapy.” [Ageing Research Review Jan 2003]

    The provision of these mineral chelators theoretically can reverse biological time. Mineral chelation has been proposed as an anti-aging strategy. This has been demonstrated in general and clinically with Longevinex®.

    Mineral chelators in Longevinex

    Ingredient Chelates (binds to) Natural Source
    Resveratrol* Copper Red wine grapes,
    Giant knotweed
    Phytate (ip6) bran factor Iron, copper, calcium, heavy metals Rice bran
    Quercetin Iron Onions
    * Resveratrol exerts control over iron by activation of an iron-controlling enzyme called heme oxygenase

    The fourth major component provided in Longevinex®, vitamin D3 (the natural form of the vitamin) also helps to control phosphate and calcium and works in tandem with resveratrol. [Annual Review Medicine 2010]

    All four major ingredients in Longevinex® are considered to be biological stressors, mimicking food deprivation and solar radiation exposure. This will be explained in more depth in the following paragraphs.

    2. Activation of the Sirtuin1 survival gene

    The excitement surrounding the discovery of a small natural molecule found in red wine that activates a known survival gene (Sirtuin1) that is also activated by a life-prolonging calorie restricted diet made news headlines beginning in 2003. [Nature Sept 11, 2003] Longevinex® was featured on the front page of The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times.

    While the many polyphenols in wine (catechin, kaempferol, gallic acid, ferulic acid, malvidin, quercetin, others) are considered beneficial, resveratrol has been found to be absorbed much more efficiently than quercetin or catechin, the two other major polyphenols in grapes and wine. This may account for its attested magical properties. [Clinical Biochemistry March 2002]

    Another unique aspect of resveratrol is that it is solely a copper chelator (binds only to copper). It has been reported that a life-prolonging calorie-restricted diet reduces iron and copper levels in cells. [Molecular Biosystems Feb 2011] Resveratrol is by far the most potent natural metal chelator that solely binds to copper. [Biochemical Pharmacology May 1997]

    The importance of controlling copper is underscored by the fact that copper breaks DNA threads 50 times more rapidly than iron and can rupture the mitochondria. [Cancer Treatment Review Feb 2009]

    In follow-up studies Longevinex® not only went on to demonstrate it exerted a stronger effect upon the Sirtuin1 gene, it significantly differentiated (switched on or off) 82% of longevity genes measured in long-term calorie restriction in animals. Longevinex® did this in just 12-weeks while it took a lifetime to do that in the laboratory animals given plain resveratrol or a calorie-restricted diet. [Experimental Gerontology Sept 2008] This suggests the health benefits may be fully realized among those who take plain resveratrol pills only after many years of use. []

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