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  • Resveratrol: Researchers Still Pulling The Wool Over The Public’s Eyes

    April 30, 2014: by Bill Sardi

    Scripps Research Institute researchers extol the red wine molecule resveratrol (rez-vair-ah-trol) in a recently published report [ELIFE, April 24, 2014] that caught the eye of a news reporter with the Palm Beach Post in Florida.  [Palm Beach Post, April 29, 2014]

    But somehow the promising research in lab dishes and the animal lab has not been demonstrated in humans, so these researchers say.  This biological inconsistency occurs because researchers over-dose lab animals and humans, knowing full well that resveratrol turns from an antioxidant to promote oxidation in high-dose concentration.

    For example, in one animal study the human equivalent of 28,000 milligrams (400 mg per kilogram of body weight) in a 160-pound human was used with negative results [PLoS One, Jan. 8, 2014] in animal eyes when low-dose resveratrol had already been demonstrated to be beneficial in human eyes.  [Nutrients June 4, 2013]

    The “thumbs-down” on resveratrol is skewed by the covert medical/pharmaceutical cabal that asserts every human malady is the result of a drug deficiency.  That is the absurd way medicine is practiced today.

    The Palm Beach Post news report tips the hand of these researchers.  The reporter says “researchers hope resveratrol can be turned into a drug”… because “resveratrol doesn’t work especially well in the body.”

    This is despite evidence an available resveratrol pill abolishes the first sign of arterial disease [Nutrition Research Nov., 2011] and restores sight to otherwise helpless patients [Nutrients June 4, 2013] who had run out of treatment options.

    The problem is, resveratrol-like drugs have failed time after time [PLoS One Jan 8, 2014; Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News Feb. 16, 2010] while resveratrol itself continues to show promise.

    A major problem is that modern medicine appears to be afraid to put resveratrol to the test.  Despite the fact resveratrol was initially identified as a key molecule in red wine that is responsible for the French Paradox (that the wine-drinking French consume a diet rich in fats and cholesterol yet their death rate for coronary artery disease is many times lower than in North America), resveratrol has yet to undergo a single human trial for heart disease. [Current Atherosclerosis Reports Dec. 2011]

    Foot dragging and overdosing, this is how the medical/pharmaceutical complex operates to unfairly denigrate dietary supplements in favor of drugs.  Should a resveratrol researcher step out of line to extol a resveratrol dietary supplement, he/she will face consequences.  ©2014 Bill Sardi,

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