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  • News story: Octogenarian Freed From Being Bed-Ridden by a Red Wine Pill.

    May 15, 2009: by ResveratrolNews

    Vista, CA (May 13, 2009) – Roman soldiers wrapped their battle wounds in red wine and considered wine to be their best medicine.  Over two-thousand years later, 88-year old Madeline May is just now catching on to what the Romans apparently knew centuries ago.

    Madeline has been bed-ridden due to joint problems for many years now.  With the aid of a walker she can barely hobble to the bathroom and back.  Because of the pain, it takes about 5 minutes for her to stand erect.  A trip to the bathroom and back is exhausting.

    That was the “old” Madeline May.  Today Madeline launches herself out of bed, is back in the kitchen washing dishes and doing house cleaning, and wants to take a trip to Montana to visit relatives.  Madeline uses her walker now only out of habit.  What brought about the sudden change?

    Richard May, her son, says it began when he started opening up red wine pill capsules and adding the powder to his mother’s nourishing Ensure beverage every day.  Within weeks Madeline began to feel reinvigorated.

    Richard says her hearing and vision have improved also and her need for pain medication, like codeine and Tylenol, have also declined.  “Her vitality has been regained,” he says.

    She has been altogether unaware that her son is practicing molecular medicine.  Natural small molecules found in red wine, grapes, olives and pomegranates have recently been extolled by molecular biologists.  These small molecules can pass through cell walls and influence genetic machinery.

    These molecules have broad biological action.  In fact, there is avid research underway involving resveratrol (rez-vair-ah-trawl), which is provided in 1000-fold greater concentration in red wine than in grapes or grape juice.  The fermentation process extracts and concentrates an array of molecules found in the grape skin, molecules most people have never heard of, such as resveratrol, quercetin, catechin, malvidin, kaempferol, ferulic acid and gallic acid.

    There may be an explanation as to why the sprinkling of what appears to be a few granules of powder could have such profound and rapid action with Madeline.

    The red wine pill Madeline was taking was found to exert 9-fold greater influence over the human genome than plain resveratrol at a far lower dose than prior experiments.  The pill, called Longevinex®, was shown in a controlled study to significantly alter 1711 genes in laboratory mice compared to just 225 genes by plain resveratrol.

    According to the manufacturer, the ingredients in Longevinex® exhibit potent anti-inflammatory action, which may explain why Madeline has experienced a remarkable reversal of her symptoms.

    What are the limits of a red wine pill?  Researchers are just beginning to gauge just how potent red wine molecules can be.  A key molecule in red wine, resveratrol, is able to mimic the biological action of many prescription drugs.  It exhibits antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, anti-depressant, anti-blood pressure, anti-cholesterol, anti-blood clotting action.  It can clean up plaque in the brain and inhibit plaque from adhering to artery walls.  It cleanses the liver and is even an appetite suppressant.

    According to Roger Corder, Professor of Experimental Therapeutics at the William Harvey Research Institute in London and author of the book The Wine Diet, says there is not enough resveratrol in a 5-ounce glass of red wine to produce the health benefits seen in human populations in France.  It is the combination of molecules that work synergistically that produces wine’s magic.  A recent example is the discovery that when resveratrol and quercetin are combined the combo inhibits activity in adipocyte cells — cells which produce fat — better than when used alone.

    The health effects of red wine are observed among those who consume 3 to 5 glasses a day.  In fact, modest wine drinkers are far healthier than tea-totalers.  The drawback of wine is that that is a lot of alcohol and a lot of calories.  Studies with alcohol-free red wine show the molecules in red wine apart from the alcohol produce these same surprising health benefits.  The French consume a calorie-rich diet but have very high life expectancy, and have about 30% less heart disease and have double the number of centenarians compared to other developed nations.

    Another drawback of red wine is the cost.  Three to five glasses of red wine a day can be expensive, around one-dollar per glass, or $3-5 dollars a day.  The red wine Longevinex® capsule concentrates the molecules found in 3-5 glasses of red wine and sells for less than $1.

    If red wine pills live up to their promise, and the public adopts them into daily health regimens, health care bills in advanced countries are likely to fall dramatically.  For now, thousands of Americans have launched out into their own self experimentation.

    Longevinex® says typical responses from users of their pill are faster hair growth, return of dark hair, profound mental clarity, unusual physical stamina and endurance, viagra-like effects for males, and disappearance of aging spots on the skin and fungal infections under toenails.

    Consumers have heard a lot about resveratrol pills on recent TV programs — CBS- 60 Minutes and the Barbara Walters and Oprah shows.  Consumers are advised to steer clear of free online offers for resveratrol pills that come with a hidden monthly billing on your credit card.  — Copyright 2009 Bill Sardi  Not for posting on other websites

One Response to “News story: Octogenarian Freed From Being Bed-Ridden by a Red Wine Pill.”

  1. Frank Sherman Says:
    May 17th, 2010 at 7:48 am

    I can confirm the “return of dark hair” bit. Both on my head and in my beard. My wife and my barber are both astonished. Have been using Longevinex Advantage for a year or so, regular Longevinex before that. Age: 81.’s answer:

    Yes, many have reported this effect. My guess is that it has something to do with copper. Copper is required for melanin production, which is what gives dark hair its pigmentation. It is interesting that a shortage of copper in Menkes disease, which is an X linked genetic disorder of copper intracellular transport, produces grey hair. However, Menkes is a developmental disorder from birth. In adulthood it is likely that an accumulation of copper oxidizes the melanin in hair which leads to the greying. Resveratrol is a copper chelator (key-lay-tor, binds to copper).

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