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  • What Is Modern Medicine Going To Do With All The Scarred Lungs After COVID-19 Infection?

    September 10, 2020: by Bill Sardi

    They call it idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), meaning scarring of the lungs of unknown origin.  It is also very common for known reasons, such as smoking tobacco.  Pulmonary fibrosis of known origin is now being detected among many post-hospitalized and non-hospitalized patients who have experienced COVID-19 lung infections.  As more and more people recover from COVID-19 coronavirus infections, there is growing concern their lungs may be scarred for life.  Pulmonary fibrosis is thought to be irreversible.

    There are other known and obviously unknown causes of lung fibrosis.  IPF represents a mortal threat beyond the immediate period of lung infection and recovery.

    Smokers whose lungs have been infected with COVID-19 coronavirus and now exhibit fibrosis (scarring) are of acute concern.

    Rehabilitation centers are being opened specifically to address IPF in post-COVID-19 patients.  Strikingly, by some estimates, 20% to 60% of coronavirus-infected patients experience some form of lung fibrosis!


    Laboratory researchers experimentally use a drug (bleomycin) to intentionally induce lung scarring in laboratory animals and then assess potential treatments.  The fibrosis score in lab mice given bleomycin increased 3.7-fold, which was reduced to ~3.0-fold by the red wine molecule resveratrol.  Therefore resveratrol is considered a promising agent for lung fibrosis.


    Researchers have discovered resveratrol inhibits lung fibrosis by regulation of microRNA-21.

    In 2010 noted cardiology researcher Dipak Das pinched off oxygen-carrying blood supply to animal hearts (a condition called ischemia), pre-treating some animals with resveratrol.  Resveratrol has been demonstrated to turn “death signals” in living cells to “survival signals” primarily by its ability to activate longevity genes Sirtuin1 and Sirtuin3. (PLoS One 2010)

    MicroRNAs are small RNA molecules that “silence” disease or cell- death genes.

    Some 586 microRNA were analyzed in laboratory rats deprived of oxygen (blood flow) to their hearts.  There was tremendous activation of microRNA-21 in non-oxygen deprived animal hearts when given resveratrol (+391.4) or a branded-resveratrol (Longevinex® +760.9) which suggests these rescue molecules may have application in the event of lung fibrosis.

    When these animal tissues are deprived of blood flow (ischemia) and then normal circulation is restored (called reperfusion, which is when damage occurs due to the influx of oxygen without protective antioxidant enzymes as a defense), then tissues are damaged.

    Resveratrol and Longevinex®more demonstrably activate microRNA-21 than other microRNA and are candidate molecules that address Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.


    The most recently published science published in the International Journal of Molecular Science, volume 21, 2020, addresses idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in reference to the stem cells that promote repair in the lung.  Damage to specialized AT2 stem cells in the lungs leads to IPF.

    A deficiency of Sirtuin3 gene protein has been identified as what promotes lung fibrosis.  The red wine molecule resveratrol is a Sirtuin1and Sirtuin3 survival gene activators.  Longevinex® activates the Sirtuin3 gene 2.95-fold more than plain resveratrol.

    Chart: Comparative Activation of Sirtuin3 Gene


    In addition, the mitochondria (energy compartments in living cells) are weak and lack energy in IPF.  Mitochondrial regeneration is facilitated by the PINK1 gene that promotes a renewal process of fission (cutting mitochondrial parts) and then fusing them (linking parts of mitochondria) to a functional state.  By age 80 maybe only 4% of the hundreds of mitochondria in living cells are functional.

    Mitochondrial renewal has been shown to be enhanced in heart tissue by resveratrol and more so Longevinex® via activation of the PINK1 gene, as cited in the journal Oxidative Medicine & Cellular Longevity 2014.


    Resveratrol and hyaluronic (hi-al-u-ron-ic) acid are synergistic molecules in the alleviation or eradication of lung fibrosis. Researchers also note that AT2 lung stem cells also exhibit a deficiency of a water-holding gel called hyaluronic acid in IPF.  Additionally, hyaluronic acid (aka hyaluronan) promotes stem cell renewal.

    Theoretically, the provision of oral resveratrol +  hyaluronic acid would be therapeutic and for IPF sufferers and are uniquely provided in Longevinex Advantage®, which is the only branded resveratrol/hyaluronic acid combo product that has been pre-tested to activate pertinent genes.  Resveratrol + hyaluronic acid as provided in LONGEVINEX ADVANTAGE support healthy lung tissue.

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