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  • Longevity, Imagined Overpopulation, Immigration, How To Avoid The Soylent Green Processing Truck & How To Edit Your Genes & Get Back In The Saddle Again With Resveratrol Pills

    June 29, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    As I write on this 4th of July 2018 so many questions flood my mind regarding human longevity.  Where is humanity headed?  One unquestionable direction is, despite the vast majority of humans on the planet live in poverty and suffer from malnutrition, is that people are reported to be living far longer in developed countries.  How much longer?  Well, maybe just ten years.

    Life expectancy is not an accurate measure of longevity because it is skewed downward by infant mortality.  What is instructive is global life expectancy at age 60, which is tabulated at Global Watch Index.

    Data tabulated for 2015 shows in a number of advanced countries, people at age 60 are likely to live another 25 years or so (tops is Japan at 26 years; US 23 years) whereas in undeveloped lands, people reaching age 60 are likely to live another 15 years.  So the net lifespan gain accomplished by access and delivery of modern medicines, antibiotics, etc. is about 10 years when population groups are compared.

    Longevity seekers: don’t be disheartened

    But don’t be disheartened in your efforts to live as long and healthy as Moses (Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died, yet his eyes were not weak nor his strength gone. – Book of Deuteronomy 34:7) as this is population data, not individual data (more about this below).

    It is said that life expectancy has risen dramatically since the 17th century when English life expectancy was only ~35 years.  People did live into their seventies then, it is just that infant mortality rates were high and due to infectious disease about 40% of human populations died by age 40.  So when we look at life expectancy jumping from ~35 years to over 70 years today, it is obvious more people are living longer, but how many achieve superlongevity and are still in good health?

    According to Census Bureau data the number of people living to age 100 in the U.S. has risen dramatically in the last eight years.  There are now 86,248 centenarians in the U.S.

    What does it cost government if you live longer?  According to the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation, the average per capita Medicare spending (2011) doubles from age 70 (~$7566/year) to age 96 ($16,145/year).

    What does this mean? It could mean humanity can’t afford superlongevity even if it can be scientifically achieved unless disease-free quality of life accompanies it.  But that would put modern medicine out of business.  The US Labor Department and Wall Street are depending on people getting sick as they age so that jobs and investments in drugs and other treatments will pay off.

    Living too long?  Just call for the Soylent Green truck

    Forget about Whole Foods/Amazon delivering food to your door.  The Soylent Green truck is going to come and crunch your long-living grandfather into human green mulch.  Humanity can’t afford superlongevity.

    Seniors who don’t want to contribute to overpopulation are going to be expected to voluntarily get in line where the Soylent Green truck will be conveniently located at the local senior center and loved ones will wave their grandparents good-bye (with some mixed motives of getting their inheritance early before it is spent caring for grand pop).

    In case you have forgotten, in the movie Soylent Green actor Charlton Heston discovers the new green food being distributed to avert food shortages is derived from people.  You can watch Charlton Heston’s chilling warning online.

    Demographic changes

    The big demographic change in the world is that developed nations in the world are experiencing negative population growth.  Women in developed countries are having two children, which is population neutral while the population of retirees is exploding.  Build the economies of other countries and there will be no overpopulation problem.

    The number of workers who pour money into Social Security and Medicare pools was 41.9 per retiree in 1945 and is now just 2.9 workers per retiree.

    In Great Britain they are withholding water from hospitalized seniors and allowing them to die of dehydration in order to bring their hospital budgets into balance.  Superlongevity is not affordable population-wise.

    Illegal immigration: why authorities look the other way

    This is why the U.S. looks the other way while illegals from Latin America jump over the border to obtain work in the U.S.  While this has led to increased crime and greater social welfare costs, for those who obtained jobs where FICA payments were deducted, they were buoying empty Medicare and Social Security Trust funds.

    Part of the funds for these programs now comes from the general budget.  Except for the bi-weekly contributions made by U.S. workers, all the Social Security Trust Fund is comprised of a bunch of IOUs called U.S. Treasury Notes.

    If you carefully scan down to the bottom of the U.S. Debt Clock you can see that the U.S. spends ~$6 trillion and takes in ~$3.37 trillion in taxes, for a shortfall of ~$2.6 trillion annually.  The shortfall is being made up for by printing electronic money.

    The future Social Security liability is ~$17 trillion and Medicare liability ~$28 trillion.  But why tell the people all this and make them panic into bank runs.

    Is the U.S. really so far in debt it can never get out?

    The U.S. is not in such deep debt it has to ask its population of senior Americans to die on time.

    The U.S. does have very large aggregate debt (~$21 trillion and counting), but that is balanced by over $200 trillion assets that the current President says can be sold off and the U.S. can become a creditor rather than a debtor nation.  The U.S. can conduct a fire sale and its widely publicized financial problems would be over, at least for a while.

    A President throws a monkey wrench into politicized migration

    Please excuse this writer as I take readers on a detour to explain why immigration is such a worldwide issue today.  It’s all about aging of human populations in developed countries.

    Now a monkey wrench has been thrown into the covert population control agenda.  The elected President of the United States says “America First.”  He says the U.S. cannot tolerate any more loss of jobs to foreigners, any more social welfare, any more crime.  Also recognize illegals send more than ~$26 billion a year back to Mexico, a sort of de facto foreign aid program.  It is no wonder that the Mexican government doesn’t like what is going on.

    The immigration problem in the U.S. has been politicized.  Democrats being promoters of welfare payments got more voters and Republican employers got cheaper labor.

    Japan suffers from the same problem.  Japan has a growing population of long-living citizens but its birth rate is in decline (some girls aren’t even participating in sex) and Japan’s population is projected to decline from 125 to 75 million in coming years.  Japan refuses to allow immigrants from China into their country, which would destroy their culture.  Whereas in Great Britain, France and Germany, Arabic Muslims are coming in migration waves and now mosques dot the city skyline in these countries.  This is largely different than the American experience where Arabic people migrate to the U.S. and adopt western culture.

    Oligarchs now rule anti-aging

    But let’s get back to the subject of longevity, a field now dominated by oligarchs who want to get even richer by developing technologies that are frankly unaffordable to the masses.  So any inexpensive remedies for aging are shunned, not only by modern medicine that clings to the status quo in order to continue to raid health insurance pools to maintain incomes, but any anti-aging claims made by dietary supplement companies are deemed to be a criminal act by the Attorney General of the U.S. and enforced by bankers who monitor online anti-aging claims and arbitrarily yank merchant accounts when they find any such claims (Bank of America gave ten days for Longevinex® to find another merchant account because of its online longevity claims.)  The oligarchs want to rule the longevity landscape.

    Now if you want to promote anti-aging technologies you get the opportunity to crowd fund various research projects at  Instead of investing and getting some ownership in the technology being developed, naïve longevity seekers are being asked to fund research projects for the benefit of mankind (and the financial gain of the researchers who retain all rights to the intellectual property, i.e. patents, generated).  How absurd!

    Translation: what does all this mean?

    Now what does all this mean to resveratrol pill users who comprise the list this report is being distributed to?

    Well, resveratrol is still the most incredible molecule ever discovered, and it wasn’t assembled in a laboratory.  Greedy scientists disingenuously claim resveratrol is not bioavailable, but studies expose that as a long-standing myth.

    Retail sales of resveratrol pills have grown over the past decade from ~$30 million to ~$45 million.  Divide that sales figure by 46 million Americans over age 65 and you come up with a figure that the average senior American spends 98-cents a year on resveratrol pills.

    That is hardly evidence resveratrol pills pose a threat to Big Pharma or the extinction of modern medicine as we know it.  (Isn’t the ethical goal of the practice of medicine to put itself out of business?)  Modern medicine has done a good hatchet job on resveratrol.

    Resveratrol is still not in the top 50 herbal products being sold.  And with 530 competing brands of resveratrol pills, when the pie is divided the average company only generates ~$85,000 of business in a year.  The resveratrol pill business is not a great enterprise to get into.

    The top brand is probably Tru Nature sold at COSTCO, which is a low-dose synthetic resveratrol.  Inside sources whisper to me that Tru Nature buys a couple tons of synthetic resveratrol every month.  What does this say?  Consumers buy on price, not quality or proven scientific performance.  In the consumer’s mind, any resveratrol pill will do as long as it fits their pocketbook.

    Amazon steers all web searches for resveratrol and Longevinex® to its covertly owned brand, a product that has never been put to a test in lab dish, animal or a human study.  Its 50% root extract of resveratrol due to its high emodin content is known to induce diarrhea in users.  Its 1200 milligrams of total polyphenols is an overdose that turns resveratrol from being an antioxidant to a pro-oxidant.  Online skullduggery combined with scientific idiocy.

    Resveratrol still miraculous

    Don’t get the idea resveratrol is not living up to its calling as a miracle molecule.

    Resveratrol has accomplished the impossible.  What one biologist said was impossible, to halt or reverse aging, was proven in an authoritative study that demonstrated resveratrol could influence old cells to become young again.

    Take a look at the research surrounding an inherited hemoglobin deficiency disease called beta thalassemia (hemoglobin is the red oxygen-carrying pigment in red blood cells).

    Since 2012 resveratrol’s potential to “cure” this disease has been trumpeted as a “simple inexpensive treatment to patients.”  The idea of using resveratrol was first posed for this condition in 2009.  But what did the scientific community do?  It falsely claimed resveratrol is “cytotoxic” (kills red blood cells) and began exploration how to develop a synthetic non-toxic resveratrol-like pill.

    If there was true concern over potential toxicity were real, they could have utilized Longevinex®, the only resveratrol pill that has been shown to be completely non-toxic even at mega-doses that would normally “kill” a rodent heart under experimental conditions.  A trade secret blocks the pro-oxidant action of resveratrol when administered in high doses.

    More recently researchers extolled their efforts to genetically modify patients with beta thalassemia.  Gene modification techniques are extremely expensive in humans.  Yet when resveratrol was put to the test, it produced a complete response (cure) in 52.2% of patients and a partial response in 18.2% of patients (70.4% total) and patients became less dependent upon blood transfusions.  Where were the news headlines about this nature epigenetic cure for an otherwise hopeless disease?  In this world of censored news, it is not surprising this breakthrough receives no attention.

    Longevinex® is aware of another inherited condition that appears to be remedied by means of epigenetics – color blindness.  A number of Longevinex® users anecdotally report resolution of their color blindness (likely red-green color blindness in males).  This should not be surprising since the anti-psoriasis drug Plaquenil induces color blindness.  This means the gene mutation involved can be epigenetically edited to induce or quell the problem.

    Resveratrol was recently reported to improve extravagant gene editing techniques (CRISPR).  Resveratrol is reported to activate human DNA-repair genes.  What other unreported inherited diseases are resveratrol pills abolishing via natural gene editing?

    What modern medicine proposes

    How has modern medicine responded to the clamor for an anti-aging pill?  It proposes metformin, a 10-cent anti-diabetic pill that is expected to only expand the human lifespan by a modest 8%.  In laboratory animals, resveratrol bested metformin by a wide margin.  Resveratrol bests the primary biological action of metformin, that of raising an energy-sensing molecule called AMPK, by 8-times.

    There has been little or no progress in getting resveratrol to go from “lab bench to bedside.”  Cardiology, oncology and ophthalmology have roundly shunned or ignored resveratrol.

    Resveratrol: female libido/male erectile remedy

    At the very least, resveratrol should be extolled for hedonistic reasons.  It has been recently shown to improve the sexual function of women approaching menopause when sex hormone production in the ovaries decline and women lose interest in bedroom activity.

    No, resveratrol is not going to turn women into nymphomaniacs.   But a resveratrol-based dietary supplement did significantly improve desire, arousal, orgasm and satisfaction among peri-menopausal women.

    For comparison, a $99/month prescription-only “pink pill” designed to (marginally) enhance female sexual desire has been given free worldwide publicity.  Users need to take it for 4-6 weeks to begin to realize benefits.  Why not resveratrol instead?

    Among post-menopausal women, a modest dose of resveratrol has been demonstrated to optimize circulation in the brain and enhance mood and cognition (thinking). Resveratrol also dramatically relieves menopausal hot flashes ~80% of subjects.

    In males, while diabetes dulls the effect of Viagra pills among men with erectile dysfunction, resveratrol enhances the effect of Viagra.  Researchers say resveratrol has “enormous therapeutic implications.”

    With added resveratrol Viagra pills may produce enormous erections, but there doesn’t appear to be any commercial impetus to promote the idea of a combo Viagra-resveratrol pill.

    Resveratrol’s problem is not a lack of science.  It is failure to report by the commercially controlled news media.

    Maybe contrive scarcity

    Remember when Cabbage Patch Kids dolls first became available complete with adoption papers at Christmastime?  TV news reporters said there was a shortage of supply.  Mobs flood retail stores to find them.  The news media has the power to do that for resveratrol pills.  As we have learned from recent political events, fake news abounds and commercial interests rule over the minds of Americans via the “boob tube.”

    Maybe part of the problem is too much supply compared to demand.  Maybe resveratrol pill makers ought to contrive a shortage just like what happened with gasoline and bananas to drive prices upwards.

    One would think resveratrol is just what the world has been waiting for.  But in reality, there are longer waiting lines for marijuana and too many Americans are “dying for” opioid pain relievers.

    If the world’s population of senior adults, now approaching 1 billion people, ever caught on to the promise offered by resveratrol, there couldn’t possibly be enough pills to meet that kind of demand.  ©2018 Bill Sardi,

    P.S. For a number of weeks now I’ve been writing about an unexpected breakthrough in longevity that is sure to gain your attention (but maybe not the controlled news media).  The discovery is that humans have a designed-in mechanism to live in good health three times longer than they now live.  I’ve got to hold my tongue and wait for a manuscript to be published first in a peer-reviewed journal before divulging this unprecedented discovery.  This breakthrough is widely available, affordable, non-prescription and the science surrounding it is unequivocally convincing in both laboratory animals and humans.  You will probably have to read through the report three times to fully fathom the impact of this discovery when it is published.

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