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  • FREE New E-Book: THE CASE FOR RESVERATROL: Why Aren’t More Americans Taking Resveratrol Pills?

    August 23, 2011: by ResveratrolNews

    So why is resveratrol averting mortal heart attacks in the animal lab, in preliminary studies restoring vision to humans who are battling an otherwise hopeless eye disease, and is considered to be the most promising anti-cancer molecule on the planet — and therefore addresses the three most feared health problems of humanity — yet relatively few Americans have adopted res-pills into their daily health regimens?

    These questions and more are answered by Bill Sardi in his most recent e-book THE CASE FOR RESVERATROL: Why Aren’t More Americans Taking Resveratrol Pills?

    “We live in an era when scientific examination reveals aspirin tablets and statin drugs are failing to prevent mortal heart attacks, germs are developing resistance to antibiotics, and there are high-tech treatments for cancer but still no cures, yet resveratrol pills aren’t yet considered as a promising alternative,” says Sardi.

    The fully illustrated 52-page quick-read e-book is now available online for free viewing. You can read the e-book by clicking here.

    “Few Americans realize how world-shattering resveratrol is. It changes the whole game in modern medicine, which has been to develop man-made molecules that narrowly target single cell-receptor sites or gene targets to treat a single disease. The prevailing paradigm is a pill for every disease. In contrast, resveratrol is a natural molecule that targets many genes and addresses many diseases, including aging, in one pill. It would theoretically antiquate modern pharmacology,” says Sardi.


    The story of Joyce B., a retiree whose vision was rapidly failing despite repeated needle injection of medicine directly into her eyes, is an example. Joyce, a retired naturopathic doctor, found a specially formulated brand of resveratrol that rapidly restored her sight to the point where she was able to pass her driver’s license test. Shortly thereafter her husband began taking the same res-pill to encourage her to take her pills every morning. His decades-long ordeal with a fluttering heart disappeared. Then his vision in one eye, which had not been better than 20/50 on the letter chart since childhood, suddenly improved to 20/25. Then later, labeled a “fragile diabetic” (hemoglobin A1c of 6.8), his blood sugar number dropped to 5.8 and his medical chart read “non-diabetic.” “This is an example of the broad biological action of resveratrol,” says Sardi.

    In another instance, a woman who had been hospitalized for fainting spells due to unstable blood pressure and whose eye doctor said there was nothing that could be done for her failing vision, could see well enough for the first time to read the hospital menu, read her own handwriting and visualize her doctor’s face within four days of taking a res pill. Subsequently her unsteady blood pressure stabilized. Also, her life-long bout with migraine headaches vanished.

    Why do Americans prefer drugs over dietary supplements?

    Sardi says most senior Americans grew up in an era when so-called miracle drugs like penicillin and statin cholesterol-lowering drugs were considered the envy of those had no access to these medicines in foreign lands. So the average senior American takes pride in American medicine and consumes five daily prescription medicines that are often fraught with side effects, and takes these pills without hesitation because their doctor prescribed them and their health plan largely paid for them.

    But if consumers had to buy these pills out of pocket, few would purchase them. And consumers have more reticence about taking a res-pill than they do a prescription drug with a long list of potential side effects, Sardi says.

    “The price- point for most seniors is around ten-dollars. Prescriptions for drugs that cost any more than that are not likely to be filled. The same is true for res-pills. Among the few Americans who regularly take res-pills, 99% buy untested products and 75% buy products that offer an ineffective low dose or a problematic overdose,” says Sardi.

    “Humanity is facing an important moment, when it could free itself of expensive and burdensome medications, but Americans are not likely to hear about resveratrol from their doctors and would only try them if their health plan paid for them,” notes Sardi.

    He says an example is a concentrated fish oil pill that is marketed as a drug and is therefore paid for my health insurance plans, and has become the first billion-dollar fish oil product. An equivalent product sold as a dietary supplement would cost no more than $30-40 a month, while as a drug it costs over $240 a month and its annual sales are over $1 billion.

    “It’s a sad moment in time, when the nation agonizes over the high costs of modern medicine yet doesn’t know about alternatives like resveratrol,” Sardi says emphatically.

    Sardi says if resveratrol pills are to remain on retail store shelves as an affordable dietary supplement, they are going to have to gain greater public acceptance and political clout, since the FDA has proposed onerous new safety guidelines that would make most res-pills prescription-only drugs at more than double their current price.

    To learn more about resveratrol, go to this webpage to read Bill Sardi’s fully-reference e-book on this topic:

    Play Interview with Bill Sardi

One Response to “FREE New E-Book: THE CASE FOR RESVERATROL: Why Aren’t More Americans Taking Resveratrol Pills?”

  1. Marie Panos Says:
    September 14th, 2011 at 10:30 am

    Where can I order Longevinex? Is it pure and how is it derived?

    Thank you

    Longevinex is tested for impurities like heavy metals, mold, bacteria. However, your question should probably be re-worded to ask if its key ingredient, resveratrol, is pure or not. The answer is no. There are two ways of producing resveratrol. One is to extract it from a botanical source (grapes, giant knotweed) at varying concentrations (20%, 50%, 80%, 98%) and the other is to utilize fermentation to produce a 100% pure molecule. The problem is, the US Food & Drug Administration is about to declare the 100% pure synthetic source a drug. Resveratrol must be shown to be part of a food, in this case, from edible plants. For these reasons, Longevinex provides an 85% extract of giant knotweed that avoids the possibility of it being declared a drug. -Bill Sardi

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