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  • Don’t say dietary supplements don’t work

    March 8, 2018: by Bill Sardi

    I’m of cataract age (in my early 70s).  (cataract = cloudy focusing lens)

    I’ve got clear lenses, no glaucoma (elevated fluid pressure); no other eye conditions typical for my age.

    My retina scans you can see below.

    My central retinal thickness is 255-256 right and left eye micrometers, about normal.

    It would be typical for a 70+ year old to have drusen (oxysterol aka cholesterol) deposits at the back of my eyes.  The scan below shows zero drusen.

    My optic nerve and blood vessels are healthy.

    I have habitually worn UV-blue-blocking sun lenses when outdoors during the day since age 40.

    I have been supplementing my diet with lutein since 1992 when lutein first became available as a dietary supplement.

    I take resveratrol since 2004 when it was popularized as an anti-aging molecule.

    I have taken IP6 rice bran, an iron chelator, since the mid 1990s.

    My vision is 20/30 in both eyes and I needed a prescription for astigmatism (irregular curvature of the front cornea of the eyes).

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