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  • Employing Same Dose Of Resveratrol, Heart Researchers Vindicate Discredited Researcher Dipak Das, PhD (Deceased).

    October 19, 2015: by Bill Sardi

    East Indian-born, University of Connecticut researcher Dipak Das PhD (deceased) has become a poster boy for scientific fraud.Or was the witch-hunt launched against him a fraud in itself?

    In 2012 popular radio show host Rush Limbaugh announced that Dr. Das “made it all up,” that is, all the science he published to show that the red wine molecule resveratrol protects the heart from damage before a heart attack occurs, considered the best form of cardio-protection said Dipak Das at the time.

    Now researchers in China employing the same doses Dr. Das used in the animal laboratory, convincingly show that modest doses of resveratrol that can be obtained from dietary supplements prevent damage to heart muscle tissue in a model of experimentally-induced heart attack.[International Journal Clinical Experimental Pathology 2015]

    The University of Connecticut posted a website, no longer available for examination, that allegedly showed Dr. Das doctored what are called “western blot tests” used to depict the amount of gene protein actually activated by any therapeutic or preventive agent. The University produced 60,000 pages of evidence accumulated over a period of 4 years, but if the evidence were so convincing, why is it not available for review today?

    Researchers in Italy and Canada have also shown that resveratrol protects the heart from damage should a heart attack occur.

    The chart below depicts data from three of Dipak Das’ published studies with data from a recently published study. – ©2015 Bill Sardi,

    Comparison Of Animal Studies Experimentally-Induced Heart Attack
    No treatment Resveratrol Source
    % area of heart damage (scarring/fibrosis) upon recirculation of oxygenated blood following experimentally induced heart attack in laboratory animals ~37% ~19% resveratrol (Longevinex®)
    49% relative reduction
    Dipak Das & colleagues: Canadian Journal Physiology & Pharmacology Nov 2010
    ~36%= ~24-34% low/mid-dose resveratrol
    ~40% high-dose resveratrol*
    6-33% relative reduction
    18-21% low-high dose Longevinex®
    Dipak Das & colleagues
    Experimental Clinical Cardiology< 2010
    ~36% ~24% Resveratrol
    33% relative reduction
    ~20% Longevinex®
    45% relative reduction
    Dipak Das & colleagues; PLoS One Dec 23, 2010
    ~43% ~30% Resveratrol
    ~25% Resveratrol / high dose
    31-42% relative reduction
    Infarct size = area of tissue damageinfarct-size-chart
    Dept. Cardiology, China Three Gorges Univ.
    International Journal Clinical Experimental Pathology 2015
    * mega-dose actually increased area of damage

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